Hello there! My name is Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos and I am an integrative biologist, focusing on how various biological systems respond to environmental changes.

My research spans levels of biological organization (from molecules to ecosystems), taxonomic groups (from microbes to birds and mammals), timescales (from seconds to millions of years), and methodological approaches (e.g., ecoinformatics, phylogenetic comparative methods, comparative genomics, machine learning).

I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Hiller group of LOEWE-TBG, investigating the genomic, physiological, and ecological drivers of torpor across birds and mammals. Prior to this, I did a PhD at Imperial College London (primarily supervised by Samraat Pawar), in which I mainly examined how microbial growth rate responds to changes in temperature across species and environments.

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Word cloud based on the abstracts of my papers.